Sadly my claim is somewhat unfalsifiable because the emergence might always be hiding at some smaller scale, but I would be surprised if we find the theory that the standard model emerges from and it’s contains classical spacetime.
I don’t know if that is a meaningful question. Consider this: a cube is something that is symmetric under the octahedral group—that’s what *makes* it a cube. If it wasn’t symmetric under these transformations, it wouldn’t be a cube. So also with spacetime—it’s something that transforms according to the Poincaré group (plus some other mathematical properties, metric etc.). That’s what makes it spacetime.
I’ll bet you! ;)
Sadly my claim is somewhat unfalsifiable because the emergence might always be hiding at some smaller scale, but I would be surprised if we find the theory that the standard model emerges from and it’s contains classical spacetime.
I did a little search, and if it’s worth anything Witten and Wheeler agree: (just search for ‘emergent’ in the article)
Can you have emergent spacetime while space symmetry remains a bedrock fundamental principle, and not emergent of something else?
I don’t know if that is a meaningful question.
Consider this: a cube is something that is symmetric under the octahedral group—that’s what *makes* it a cube. If it wasn’t symmetric under these transformations, it wouldn’t be a cube. So also with spacetime—it’s something that transforms according to the Poincaré group (plus some other mathematical properties, metric etc.). That’s what makes it spacetime.
So space symmetry is always assumed when we talk about spacetime, and if space symmetry didn’t hold, spacetime as we know it would not work/exist?