Thank you, good Sir. This is a remarkable piece of scholarship. These days, most higher education institutions would salute this as more than adequate for a Masters dissertation. You may, exercising your humility virtue, respond by suggesting that this is more about the decline of higher education, but try not to. It is a fine contribution, and clearly one that led you to rethink your assessment of this important virtue. As it did me. I guess good old temperance drops in, or should do so, whenever we have any unambiguous praise for, well, anything. I had considered being empathetic (and, importantly, empathic) as the key to the selflessness that seems to undergird all virtue, but now find myself wondering whether the disposition to be selfless is logically and behaviorally prior to empathy. And, if so, where the heck it comes from! Thank you again. And think, please, about consolidating your Notes into book form. That exercise would force you to expose more of your thinking about how the virtues hang together, and I for one would look forward to that.
Thank you, good Sir. This is a remarkable piece of scholarship. These days, most higher education institutions would salute this as more than adequate for a Masters dissertation. You may, exercising your humility virtue, respond by suggesting that this is more about the decline of higher education, but try not to. It is a fine contribution, and clearly one that led you to rethink your assessment of this important virtue. As it did me. I guess good old temperance drops in, or should do so, whenever we have any unambiguous praise for, well, anything. I had considered being empathetic (and, importantly, empathic) as the key to the selflessness that seems to undergird all virtue, but now find myself wondering whether the disposition to be selfless is logically and behaviorally prior to empathy. And, if so, where the heck it comes from! Thank you again. And think, please, about consolidating your Notes into book form. That exercise would force you to expose more of your thinking about how the virtues hang together, and I for one would look forward to that.