Now, Imagine I calculated the trillionth decimal digit of pi, and checked whether it was even or odd. As a Bayesian, you use the term “probability” in this situation too, and to you, the “probability” that the digit is odd is 1⁄2.
To me the probability that the trillionth decimal digit of Pi is odd is about to 0.05. The trillionth digit of Pi is 2 (but there is about a one it twenty chance that I’m confused). For some reason people keep using that number as an example of a logical uncertainty so I looked it up.
When a logical coin is:
a) Already evaluated. b) Comparatively trivial to re-calculate. (Humans have calculated the two quadrillionth digit of Pi. The trillionth digit is trivial.) c) Used sufficiently frequently that people know not just where to look up the answer but remember it from experience.
...Then it is probably time for us to choose a better coin. (Unfortunately I haven’t yet found a function that exhibits all the desideratum I have for an optimal logically uncertain coin.)
To me the probability that the trillionth decimal digit of Pi is odd is about to 0.05. The trillionth digit of Pi is 2 (but there is about a one it twenty chance that I’m confused). For some reason people keep using that number as an example of a logical uncertainty so I looked it up.
When a logical coin is:
a) Already evaluated.
b) Comparatively trivial to re-calculate. (Humans have calculated the two quadrillionth digit of Pi. The trillionth digit is trivial.)
c) Used sufficiently frequently that people know not just where to look up the answer but remember it from experience.
...Then it is probably time for us to choose a better coin. (Unfortunately I haven’t yet found a function that exhibits all the desideratum I have for an optimal logically uncertain coin.)
Is floor(exp(3^^^3)) even or odd?
the vigintillionth digit of pi