I granted him that it might make sense it the world somehow depended on it of it there were other crazy circumstances, but he was arguing that a more-rational-me would cut the person open, and I was saying that a more-rational-me would probably just ask.
Did he give any explanation why such a silly thing would be rational? Does he exhibit similar weird interpretations of “rationality” or other words on other occasions, or was his insistence only a result of his inability to change mind, even if it means insisting on clearly unreasonable random guesses?
His definition of rational was something like “getting to the truth with highest possible accuracy” but may have even been “getting to the truth 100% of the time”.
I granted him that it might make sense it the world somehow depended on it of it there were other crazy circumstances, but he was arguing that a more-rational-me would cut the person open, and I was saying that a more-rational-me would probably just ask.
Did he give any explanation why such a silly thing would be rational? Does he exhibit similar weird interpretations of “rationality” or other words on other occasions, or was his insistence only a result of his inability to change mind, even if it means insisting on clearly unreasonable random guesses?
His definition of rational was something like “getting to the truth with highest possible accuracy” but may have even been “getting to the truth 100% of the time”.