A lot of the benefit from reacts would be the ability to distinguish between “this comment makes the thread a little worse given constraints on attention and reading time” and “die, monster, you don’t belong in this world”. Downvotes are aversive because they come across as a mix of those two despite being mostly the former.
Endorsed. “This comment makes the thread a little worse given constraints on attention and reading time” is a concept I wish I had a short handle for which wasn’t going to immediately degrade into “this comment is bad and you are bad.”
A lot of the benefit from reacts would be the ability to distinguish between “this comment makes the thread a little worse given constraints on attention and reading time” and “die, monster, you don’t belong in this world”. Downvotes are aversive because they come across as a mix of those two despite being mostly the former.
Endorsed. “This comment makes the thread a little worse given constraints on attention and reading time” is a concept I wish I had a short handle for which wasn’t going to immediately degrade into “this comment is bad and you are bad.”