That strikes me as confused. Blame just is an aspect of our already-existing, inborn deterrent system. Saying we shouldn’t blame and instead deter, is like saying we shouldn’t deter and instead deter. It doesn’t make sense.
Exactly, and I should mention that this confusion about blame occurs in other areas. For example, in praising Coase’s famous theorem, some people think they’ve identified a brilliant reason to discard the concept of blame in favor of a Pareto-superior method of social rules. When you point out that a system of pure Coasean bargaining would require, e.g. that women have to buy out potential rapists (rather than “blame” the rapist for causing the rape as if it’s not supposed to happen at all), they say, “oh, no, of course we need to have good baseline rights, such as …” and then go on to specify a classifier that works exactly like the existing blame concept!
See the linked discussion, starting from that point.
Exactly, and I should mention that this confusion about blame occurs in other areas. For example, in praising Coase’s famous theorem, some people think they’ve identified a brilliant reason to discard the concept of blame in favor of a Pareto-superior method of social rules. When you point out that a system of pure Coasean bargaining would require, e.g. that women have to buy out potential rapists (rather than “blame” the rapist for causing the rape as if it’s not supposed to happen at all), they say, “oh, no, of course we need to have good baseline rights, such as …” and then go on to specify a classifier that works exactly like the existing blame concept!
See the linked discussion, starting from that point.