A short post to hear what people think of the policy proposal to have any interaction with an AI (eg chatbot) include an overt notification that one is indeed interacting with an AI.
Clearly, one wouldn’t want a frequent pop up in video games but in the world of providing services to consumers, such a thing could help reduce confusion among clients/users.
Alternatively, perhaps it isn’t that helpful or might be treated like the cookie notices we get and just click accept.
Should AI systems have to identify themselves?
A short post to hear what people think of the policy proposal to have any interaction with an AI (eg chatbot) include an overt notification that one is indeed interacting with an AI.
Clearly, one wouldn’t want a frequent pop up in video games but in the world of providing services to consumers, such a thing could help reduce confusion among clients/users.
Alternatively, perhaps it isn’t that helpful or might be treated like the cookie notices we get and just click accept.
What do you think?