Well, I’ll tell you one thing. You do daily link-blogs. Those link-blogs point me towards a lot of fascinating material I wouldn’t find elsewhere, and I in turn have linked several things I’ve found from your blog on mine...
Thanks! Would you mind sending me a link to your blog? Also, how did you find out about my blog? I actually hope that I have been able to introduce some people to LW via my links.
No problem. My blog is http://andrewhickey.info , but probably of tangential-at-best interest—I mostly talk about music, comics and stuff, but I do occasional linkblogs.
I presume I found your blog through you linking it here at some point—I don’t remember precisely, but I do know I’ve been following it for a couple of months at least.
Thanks! Would you mind sending me a link to your blog? Also, how did you find out about my blog? I actually hope that I have been able to introduce some people to LW via my links.
No problem. My blog is http://andrewhickey.info , but probably of tangential-at-best interest—I mostly talk about music, comics and stuff, but I do occasional linkblogs. I presume I found your blog through you linking it here at some point—I don’t remember precisely, but I do know I’ve been following it for a couple of months at least.