It is probably hardest to think rationally about high-impact, emotional subjects, and also high value to think rationally about such subjects.
Have everyone who is willing to share name a major mistake they have made, and what role self-deception (including targeted failure-to-think, e.g. because the subject was painful to think about) may have played in the mistake. Then, brainstorm heuristics as a group for noticing when such failure modes are especially likely, and for reducing their likelihood. Post the results to LessWrong.
It is probably hardest to think rationally about high-impact, emotional subjects, and also high value to think rationally about such subjects.
Have everyone who is willing to share name a major mistake they have made, and what role self-deception (including targeted failure-to-think, e.g. because the subject was painful to think about) may have played in the mistake. Then, brainstorm heuristics as a group for noticing when such failure modes are especially likely, and for reducing their likelihood. Post the results to LessWrong.