EDT can’t come to the conclusion that getting vaccinated doesn’t cause, or share a common cause with, homosexuality.
Here, your premise is actually that homosexuality causes vaccinations.
Exactly. They know they’re at higher risk, so they’re more likely to seek out the vaccine.
No, lower risk people seek out the vaccine: it’s right there, people who are vaccinated are less likely to be infected, just like people who are less likely to get lung cancer eschew smoking.
EDT can’t come to the conclusion that getting vaccinated doesn’t cause, or share a common cause with, homosexuality.
Here, your premise is actually that homosexuality causes vaccinations.
Exactly. They know they’re at higher risk, so they’re more likely to seek out the vaccine.
No, lower risk people seek out the vaccine: it’s right there, people who are vaccinated are less likely to be infected, just like people who are less likely to get lung cancer eschew smoking.