The thing I find most curious about the Illuminati conspiracy theory is that if you look at the doctrines of the historical Bavarian Illuminati, they are pretty unremarkable to any educated person today. The Illuminati were basically secular humanists — they wanted secular government, morality and charity founded on “the brotherhood of man” rather than on religious obedience, education for women, and so on.
Might I interest you in the theories of Mencius Moldbug?
Please give the poor sap a link to a summary of them; even “A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations” made me go tl;dr a third of the way through Part 1.
(What little I know about reactionary ideas comes from this, but I don’t know how accurate that is.)
Might I interest you in the theories of Mencius Moldbug?
Please give the poor sap a link to a summary of them; even “A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations” made me go tl;dr a third of the way through Part 1.
(What little I know about reactionary ideas comes from this, but I don’t know how accurate that is.)