I predict that I have a small but significant chance (~20%) of getting released as an AI. Unfortunately, large wagers at appropriate odds would distort the Gatekeeper’s motivations. I am willing to play for up to 10 karma at 5-1 odds. I live in Perth, Australia, and am available only during late evenings (8-12 pm) my time.
I also think the “AI Box Experiment” was an appalling shamble and a disservice to the world because of the “no reveal” rule. I shall not agree to such a rule ever again.
So many Gatekeepers, so few AIs...
I predict that I have a small but significant chance (~20%) of getting released as an AI. Unfortunately, large wagers at appropriate odds would distort the Gatekeeper’s motivations. I am willing to play for up to 10 karma at 5-1 odds. I live in Perth, Australia, and am available only during late evenings (8-12 pm) my time.
I also think the “AI Box Experiment” was an appalling shamble and a disservice to the world because of the “no reveal” rule. I shall not agree to such a rule ever again.
PM if you want to try and escape against me.
Can I play?