I’m flattered :-). Thanks again for taking the initiative to put the contest together. I agree with the suggestion that prizes for this sort of thing not be given away (and will not give my share away).
I submitted my article to jsalvatier for suggestions and he made some. I’ll edit my article in response to some of these shortly.
Does anybody have suggestions for websites/newspapers/magazines where we might submit these articles to publicize the points made therein more broadly?
I’m flattered :-). Thanks again for taking the initiative to put the contest together. I agree with the suggestion that prizes for this sort of thing not be given away (and will not give my share away).
I submitted my article to jsalvatier for suggestions and he made some. I’ll edit my article in response to some of these shortly.
Does anybody have suggestions for websites/newspapers/magazines where we might submit these articles to publicize the points made therein more broadly?
Congrats! I thought yours was the best and I was hoping you’d win.
Good idea.
Yes, I will message you with details