Lots of people work for their privileges! I practiced writing for a LONG time—and remain continuously aware that other people cannot be expected to express their ideas clearly, even assuming their ideas to be clear, because I have Writing Privilege and they do not. Does my Writing Privilege have an innate component? Of course it does; my birth lottery placed me in a highly literate household full of actually good books, which combined with genuine genetic talent got me a 670 Verbal score on the pre-restandardized SAT at age eleven; but most teens with 670V SAT scores can’t express themselves at all clearly, and it was a long long time and a lot of practice before I started being able to express myself clearly ever even on special occasions. It remains a case of Privilege, and would be such even if I’d obtained it entirely by hard work starting from an IQ of exactly 100, not that this is possible, but if it were possible it would still be Privilege. People who study hard, work hard, compound their luck, and save up a lot of money, end up with Financial Privilege, and should keep that in mind before expecting less financially privileged friends to come with them on a non-expenses-paid fun friendly trip. We are all locally-Privileged in one aspect or another, even that kid at the center of Omelas, and all we can do is keep it in mind.
Lots of people work for their privileges! I practiced writing for a LONG time—and remain continuously aware that other people cannot be expected to express their ideas clearly, even assuming their ideas to be clear, because I have Writing Privilege and they do not. Does my Writing Privilege have an innate component? Of course it does; my birth lottery placed me in a highly literate household full of actually good books, which combined with genuine genetic talent got me a 670 Verbal score on the pre-restandardized SAT at age eleven; but most teens with 670V SAT scores can’t express themselves at all clearly, and it was a long long time and a lot of practice before I started being able to express myself clearly ever even on special occasions. It remains a case of Privilege, and would be such even if I’d obtained it entirely by hard work starting from an IQ of exactly 100, not that this is possible, but if it were possible it would still be Privilege. People who study hard, work hard, compound their luck, and save up a lot of money, end up with Financial Privilege, and should keep that in mind before expecting less financially privileged friends to come with them on a non-expenses-paid fun friendly trip. We are all locally-Privileged in one aspect or another, even that kid at the center of Omelas, and all we can do is keep it in mind.