Dead serious actually. Well, what I mean is that a heteronormative approach where everyone must be either 6 or 1 on the Kinsey scale is hard to maintain in the modern world, and that when some extremely irrational older folks hate to see how young people can, for the first time in history, 1)discover their sexuality with some precision by using media and freely experimenting and 2)get a lot of happiness that way, it’s fine to spin a clean and simple tale of the subject matter to those sorry individuals.
… I like the way you talk. This goes a long way into explaining the same person saying “homosexuality is not a choice” and “I have been with qute a few straight guys”, as well as the treatment bi people get as “fence-sitters” and the resentment they generate by having an easier time in the closet.
I can’t tell if you’re joking...
Dead serious actually. Well, what I mean is that a heteronormative approach where everyone must be either 6 or 1 on the Kinsey scale is hard to maintain in the modern world, and that when some extremely irrational older folks hate to see how young people can, for the first time in history, 1)discover their sexuality with some precision by using media and freely experimenting and 2)get a lot of happiness that way, it’s fine to spin a clean and simple tale of the subject matter to those sorry individuals.
… I like the way you talk. This goes a long way into explaining the same person saying “homosexuality is not a choice” and “I have been with qute a few straight guys”, as well as the treatment bi people get as “fence-sitters” and the resentment they generate by having an easier time in the closet.