If you read through the comments in the linked article (which of course you were under no obligation to do before commenting here) you see that Cochran’s main point was that it’s silly to think that soldiers avoid killing because they have some basic aversion to doing so, although Cochran agrees that fear might cause them to not put themselves in a position where they can shoot.
If you read through the comments in the linked article (which of course you were under no obligation to do before commenting here) you see that Cochran’s main point was that it’s silly to think that soldiers avoid killing because they have some basic aversion to doing so, although Cochran agrees that fear might cause them to not put themselves in a position where they can shoot.
Would that Cochran’s original post had focused on that specific point and on Marshall’s unreliability.
In any case, thanks for making the downvotes intelligible. Upvoted.