Zenkat: I will happily switch between tales of the Green Mother’s handfasting to the Dying King and Gould’s theory of Punctuated Equilibrium
They’re about equally plausible. You do realize that serious evolutionary biologists regard Gould as a scientifically dishonest crackpot who has deliberately misrepresented the state of modern evolutionary biology to the public?
Gunn: The cow thing does seem a stretch, though, even on the most sympathetic possible interpretation.
It’s a good thing you don’t believe anything that would sound just as strange to someone who hadn’t grown up believing it.
Zenkat: I will happily switch between tales of the Green Mother’s handfasting to the Dying King and Gould’s theory of Punctuated Equilibrium
They’re about equally plausible. You do realize that serious evolutionary biologists regard Gould as a scientifically dishonest crackpot who has deliberately misrepresented the state of modern evolutionary biology to the public?
Gunn: The cow thing does seem a stretch, though, even on the most sympathetic possible interpretation.
It’s a good thing you don’t believe anything that would sound just as strange to someone who hadn’t grown up believing it.