The most useful aspect of this service would be to prevent people from writing things that people don’t want to read.
Effectively you are saying that you want to censor unpopular stuff and this seems to be an effective way of doing so.
Often times society advances precisely because someone writes something that people don’t want to hear.
With technology you have to be careful what you wish for, because it measures what you tell it to measure and optimizes towards that goal.
Often these are things that some people in power don’t want to hear, not what people in general don’t want to hear.
Effectively you are saying that you want to censor unpopular stuff and this seems to be an effective way of doing so.
Often times society advances precisely because someone writes something that people don’t want to hear.
With technology you have to be careful what you wish for, because it measures what you tell it to measure and optimizes towards that goal.
Often these are things that some people in power don’t want to hear, not what people in general don’t want to hear.