Just finished The Name of the Wind. Lots of great passages, but not enough sweetness and too much bitterness for my taste in fantasy. The retelling of the story by a dispirited hero is an unfortunate format, as we already know that he does not really win in the end.
Hopefully the sequel is better, if I am to believe an Amazon reviewer that “most of the book is about Kvothe having sex and learning how to fight and having sex with people who train him to fight or fight with him.”
Yeah, the second book has some pretty downer aspects. There’s one bit which may particularly interest LW people in that it can be considered n zrgncube sbe jung n ernyyl znyvpvbhf benpyr NV zvtug qb.
I liked both. We don’t know that he doesn’t win in the end, we just know that he’s at a low point in his life in the present (waiting to die). Hopefully the third book will involve this present story more. Rothfuss could end it on a really strong note if Kvothe gains back some of his former awesome.
I would be pretty shocked if he didn’t; there’s no way The Ending will be Kvothe saying “and then I fled the city with my savings, came here, and opened an inn” as he turns away to wash some mugs.
Just finished The Name of the Wind. Lots of great passages, but not enough sweetness and too much bitterness for my taste in fantasy. The retelling of the story by a dispirited hero is an unfortunate format, as we already know that he does not really win in the end.
Hopefully the sequel is better, if I am to believe an Amazon reviewer that “most of the book is about Kvothe having sex and learning how to fight and having sex with people who train him to fight or fight with him.”
Yeah, the second book has some pretty downer aspects. There’s one bit which may particularly interest LW people in that it can be considered n zrgncube sbe jung n ernyyl znyvpvbhf benpyr NV zvtug qb.
V nyfb sbhaq n irel fgebat fvzvynevgl jvgu n znyvpvbhf naq gehgushy Obkrq NV jura ernqvat gur rkcynangvba bs Onfg. Gur nanybtl vf abg cresrpg, ohg vg jnf irel vagrerfgvat naq cnffviryl nevfvat.
I find that gur Pgurnu vf fb nofheqyl cbjreshy gung V pna’g uryc ohg srry gung gur fgbel vf nyernql bire. Gurl’er cynlvat jvgu n tbq urer, naq guvf vfa’g fbzr Terrx tbq shyy bs uhzna sbyyvrf; vg’f n gehyl nyvra, znyribyrag, naq bzavfpvrag orvat. Nsgre gung, jung pna cbffvoyl unccra? Gur Cngevpx Ebgushff jvyy unir gb onpxgenpx gb znxr gur fgbel zrnavatshy; vagebqhpr fbzr bgure cbjre gung gur Pgurnu pnaabg cerqvpg, be tvir vg uvqqra zbgvirf bgure guna cher znyribyrapr.
Jr qba’g xabj npghnyyl xabj ubj cbjreshy Pgurnu vf. Jr whfg xabj jung pregnva tebhcf guvax bs vg. Vg znl ghea bhg gung vgf novyvgl gb znavchyngr vf zber yvzvgrq guna crbcyr guvax. Tvira gung gur erfcbafr bsgra hfrq vf gb xvyy nalbar jub unf nal pbagnpg jvgu vg ng nyy, gur ahzore bs npghny grfgrq riragf sbe vgf orunivbe znl or fznyy.
I liked both. We don’t know that he doesn’t win in the end, we just know that he’s at a low point in his life in the present (waiting to die). Hopefully the third book will involve this present story more. Rothfuss could end it on a really strong note if Kvothe gains back some of his former awesome.
I would be pretty shocked if he didn’t; there’s no way The Ending will be Kvothe saying “and then I fled the city with my savings, came here, and opened an inn” as he turns away to wash some mugs.
We have a prediction!
Oh good grief. Fine: http://predictionbook.com/predictions/8135