AFAICT, the ‘proposed solution’ from WiaLLL doesn’t work. The rest of this post will be devoted to proposing a specific attack on it. As such it will be longish—since WiaLLL makes a strong claim about a fundamental aspect of epistemology, it deserves a considered refutation.
My attack works on the assumption that current sets count programs, not languages—i.e. two different programs that implement the same language will result in two entries in the next current set (regardless of whether they are written in the same language). Paul Almond has told me that this is what he intended in WiaLLL.
Consider a family of turing-complete languages, whose members are called Xn (n ∈ N). I will use ‘X-like’ to refer to any language from this family. Let X := X8.
Programs for any language Xn can be divided into three categories:
Programs that begin with n 0 bits. This prefix is solely used to encode that these programs are of type 1; it encodes no other data. The rest of the program source encodes a program in some suitable turing-complete language (the details of which don’t matter for this attack).
Programs that have a length of 0 (i.e. empty strings). All such programs are defined to implement X.
Programs that don’t fit either 1 or 2. All such programs are defined to implement X(n+1).
It follows that the set of programs of any bounded length (>0) writable in any Xn (n>0) is dominated by interpreters for X-like languages with a greater n than their own. While all such languages are turing-complete, for any given program length the proportion of non-X-like-interpreting programs writable in them is small, and inversely exponential in n.
What happens when we run the proposed solution from WiaLLL on this X? Assuming sufficiently high values of N, on each step but the first the current set will consist of a mix of X-likes and other languages. For purposes of calculating a lower bound on the long-term proportion of X-likes, assume that programs for non-X-likes never implement an X-like. The X-likes will then tend to thin out, since some of their programs fall into category 1 and implement non-X-likes; however this process is bounded to produce a fraction of non-X-likes no larger than
\sum_{i=8}^\infty (1/2^i) = 0.0078125.
The X-likes will also thin themselves out through programs in category 2, since X itself will produce a fixed fraction of non-X-likes. How much they do so depends on the exact growth of N and I in the limit. Given a function I(N) which maps values for program length to the number of iterations to run with this length, one can calculate a rough upper bound on the proportion of non-X-likes produced in this manner as 1-\prod_{N=N0}^\infty (1-I(N)/2^N).
The detailed results of this process therefore depend on the choice of I(N), and of N0. The general relationship is that unless I(N) grows quite quickly in N, the X-likes will only be notably thinned out for small N, and therefore will not be thinned out significantly given a sufficiently big N0. For example, for I(N)=16 and N0=16 (16 iterations per maximum program length, minimum maximum program length of 16 bits) the result is about 0.00049.
Therefore, with free choice of the starting language and some reasonable assumptions about the limiting process used for I and N, we can ensure that the language mix in the final current set will be dominated by X-likes.
Why does all of this matter? Because any X-like especially likes to implement X (since category 2 programs have the minimum length of 0 bits), and for sufficiently large n really doesn’t like to implement any non-X-like, and as such any current set containing a sufficient proportion of X-likes will rate X as lower-level than any other language.
This argument might in theory fail because of the possibility that other languages would on average penalize X-likes much more than X-likes penalize them, but if so this can be worked around by setting X to a higher Xn than 8 - the family can be redefined to set the initial n to any integer we need it to be to work around such finite factors.
Therefore, unless I’m missing something critical, the output of the procedure proposed in WiaLLL would be highly sensitive to the starting language as well as I(N) and N0. It therefore fails in its attempt to define a simplicity measure on languages in the absence of additional assumptions not stated in the article.
(Part 2)
But hang on—I can see an easy way to improve on Paul’s definition:
He looks at all implementations of languages, of length less than or equal to N, takes a simple arithmetic mean and then lets N go to infinity. But how about we take a weighted arithmetic mean where the weight of a given implemention is 1/2^itslength (and then we normalise if necessary so that the weights sum to 1). (This does away with the need for N and taking a limit as N goes to infinity.) Then in your example above, the fact that there is always an implementation of X whose length is 0 means that a fixed proportion of the weight previously assigned to X-like languages ‘bleeds away’ on every iteration.
I think we can use a “pathological” language to make X[0] particularly hard to implement (on average) rather than particularly easy, so it would still be false that “low-level index for Y” measured from X must be the same as measured from Y.
But perhaps we can define the “low-level index” of a language Y as the infimum of all low-level indices as measured from languages X?
(Needless to say, the trick of weighting the average by 1/2^length is very standard.)
Let’s see if I understand this correctly. You’re redefining current sets to a mapping from the set of all computable and turing-complete languages to their weights in [0,1]. Except for the first step of the process, you will actually have non-zero weights on each of those languages, so we’re working with true countably infinite sets here. This might require a stronger hypercomputer to implement than WiaLLL, but I suppose that’s fine for the purely theoretical purposes of these constructions.
Weighting each program by 1/2^i probably doesn’t work, since that still results in a total measure of 1 for each set of all programs with a given length n ∈ N (since there are 2^n programs in each of those sets), but that’s a minor detail—weighting by e.g. 1/4^i should get you a workable result.
I think this is still attackable in so far as that it’s possible to produce a setup that will make X win over any non-X-like. It would lose to certain other X-likes in each round, but this does not hold in the (I → ∞) limit.
It’s probably not necessary for me to write up the modified attack in full detail; the basic idea is to redefine the categories of Xn programs as follows:
Programs that begin with 2n 0 bits. This prefix is solely used to encode that these programs are of type 1; it encodes no other data. The rest of the program source encodes a program in some suitable turing-complete language (the details of which don’t matter for this attack).
Programs that begin with j ∈ [n,2n) 0 bits. All such programs are defined to implement X.
Programs that don’t fit either 1 or 2. All such programs are defined to implement X(n+1).
So the support of Xn for X approaches 0 in the (n → ∞) limit, which allows the X-like family to keep a large weight through arbitrarily many iterations, and even in the limit of (I → ∞). However, it approaches 0 much slower than their support for any non-X-like, which means that X still wins over every non-X-like at each step of the simplicity computation.
Also note that the choice of a prefix length linear in the X-like level is fairly arbitrary. I think this is sufficient to get the desired effect, but if this turns out to be incorrect we can of course use any computable function here, meaning we can adjust this attack to make the fraction of non-X-likes produced fall much faster.
But perhaps we can define the “low-level index” of a language Y as the infimum of all low-level indices as measured from languages X?
I don’t understand this suggestion. If I understood your previous modifications correctly, all but the first current sets of your process assign non-zero measure to every computable and turing-complete language, so taking minimums about languages from this set wouldn’t get you any useful information. As for X-likes, if you are going to treat those seperately from other languages in the simplicity determination process, you’d need to specify some precise way of how to recognize them. The specific X families I’ve talked about are of course only examples; there’s countably infinitely more such families that exhibit similar properties. Please elaborate on what you meant?
So essentially, the problem with Paul Almond’s suggestion is that one can find languages X that are ‘X[0]-pathological’ in the sense that almost all of their children are both (i) good at implementing some fixed language X[0] and (ii) even more X[0]-pathological than they are (this being a recursive definition of ‘pathological’).
Such languages destroy any hope that Paul’s “low-level index for Y” won’t depend on which language X we start from.
I wrote this some years back. It is probably not without its flaws (and got some criticism on Less Wrong), but the general idea may be relevant:
AFAICT, the ‘proposed solution’ from WiaLLL doesn’t work. The rest of this post will be devoted to proposing a specific attack on it. As such it will be longish—since WiaLLL makes a strong claim about a fundamental aspect of epistemology, it deserves a considered refutation.
My attack works on the assumption that current sets count programs, not languages—i.e. two different programs that implement the same language will result in two entries in the next current set (regardless of whether they are written in the same language). Paul Almond has told me that this is what he intended in WiaLLL.
Consider a family of turing-complete languages, whose members are called Xn (n ∈ N). I will use ‘X-like’ to refer to any language from this family. Let X := X8.
Programs for any language Xn can be divided into three categories:
Programs that begin with n 0 bits. This prefix is solely used to encode that these programs are of type 1; it encodes no other data. The rest of the program source encodes a program in some suitable turing-complete language (the details of which don’t matter for this attack).
Programs that have a length of 0 (i.e. empty strings). All such programs are defined to implement X.
Programs that don’t fit either 1 or 2. All such programs are defined to implement X(n+1).
It follows that the set of programs of any bounded length (>0) writable in any Xn (n>0) is dominated by interpreters for X-like languages with a greater n than their own. While all such languages are turing-complete, for any given program length the proportion of non-X-like-interpreting programs writable in them is small, and inversely exponential in n.
What happens when we run the proposed solution from WiaLLL on this X? Assuming sufficiently high values of N, on each step but the first the current set will consist of a mix of X-likes and other languages. For purposes of calculating a lower bound on the long-term proportion of X-likes, assume that programs for non-X-likes never implement an X-like. The X-likes will then tend to thin out, since some of their programs fall into category 1 and implement non-X-likes; however this process is bounded to produce a fraction of non-X-likes no larger than \sum_{i=8}^\infty (1/2^i) = 0.0078125.
The X-likes will also thin themselves out through programs in category 2, since X itself will produce a fixed fraction of non-X-likes. How much they do so depends on the exact growth of N and I in the limit. Given a function I(N) which maps values for program length to the number of iterations to run with this length, one can calculate a rough upper bound on the proportion of non-X-likes produced in this manner as 1-\prod_{N=N0}^\infty (1-I(N)/2^N).
The detailed results of this process therefore depend on the choice of I(N), and of N0. The general relationship is that unless I(N) grows quite quickly in N, the X-likes will only be notably thinned out for small N, and therefore will not be thinned out significantly given a sufficiently big N0. For example, for I(N)=16 and N0=16 (16 iterations per maximum program length, minimum maximum program length of 16 bits) the result is about 0.00049.
Therefore, with free choice of the starting language and some reasonable assumptions about the limiting process used for I and N, we can ensure that the language mix in the final current set will be dominated by X-likes.
Why does all of this matter? Because any X-like especially likes to implement X (since category 2 programs have the minimum length of 0 bits), and for sufficiently large n really doesn’t like to implement any non-X-like, and as such any current set containing a sufficient proportion of X-likes will rate X as lower-level than any other language. This argument might in theory fail because of the possibility that other languages would on average penalize X-likes much more than X-likes penalize them, but if so this can be worked around by setting X to a higher Xn than 8 - the family can be redefined to set the initial n to any integer we need it to be to work around such finite factors.
Therefore, unless I’m missing something critical, the output of the procedure proposed in WiaLLL would be highly sensitive to the starting language as well as I(N) and N0. It therefore fails in its attempt to define a simplicity measure on languages in the absence of additional assumptions not stated in the article.
(Part 2) But hang on—I can see an easy way to improve on Paul’s definition:
He looks at all implementations of languages, of length less than or equal to N, takes a simple arithmetic mean and then lets N go to infinity. But how about we take a weighted arithmetic mean where the weight of a given implemention is 1/2^itslength (and then we normalise if necessary so that the weights sum to 1). (This does away with the need for N and taking a limit as N goes to infinity.) Then in your example above, the fact that there is always an implementation of X whose length is 0 means that a fixed proportion of the weight previously assigned to X-like languages ‘bleeds away’ on every iteration.
I think we can use a “pathological” language to make X[0] particularly hard to implement (on average) rather than particularly easy, so it would still be false that “low-level index for Y” measured from X must be the same as measured from Y.
But perhaps we can define the “low-level index” of a language Y as the infimum of all low-level indices as measured from languages X?
(Needless to say, the trick of weighting the average by 1/2^length is very standard.)
Let’s see if I understand this correctly. You’re redefining current sets to a mapping from the set of all computable and turing-complete languages to their weights in [0,1]. Except for the first step of the process, you will actually have non-zero weights on each of those languages, so we’re working with true countably infinite sets here. This might require a stronger hypercomputer to implement than WiaLLL, but I suppose that’s fine for the purely theoretical purposes of these constructions.
Weighting each program by 1/2^i probably doesn’t work, since that still results in a total measure of 1 for each set of all programs with a given length n ∈ N (since there are 2^n programs in each of those sets), but that’s a minor detail—weighting by e.g. 1/4^i should get you a workable result.
I think this is still attackable in so far as that it’s possible to produce a setup that will make X win over any non-X-like. It would lose to certain other X-likes in each round, but this does not hold in the (I → ∞) limit.
It’s probably not necessary for me to write up the modified attack in full detail; the basic idea is to redefine the categories of Xn programs as follows:
Programs that begin with 2n 0 bits. This prefix is solely used to encode that these programs are of type 1; it encodes no other data. The rest of the program source encodes a program in some suitable turing-complete language (the details of which don’t matter for this attack).
Programs that begin with j ∈ [n,2n) 0 bits. All such programs are defined to implement X.
Programs that don’t fit either 1 or 2. All such programs are defined to implement X(n+1).
So the support of Xn for X approaches 0 in the (n → ∞) limit, which allows the X-like family to keep a large weight through arbitrarily many iterations, and even in the limit of (I → ∞). However, it approaches 0 much slower than their support for any non-X-like, which means that X still wins over every non-X-like at each step of the simplicity computation.
Also note that the choice of a prefix length linear in the X-like level is fairly arbitrary. I think this is sufficient to get the desired effect, but if this turns out to be incorrect we can of course use any computable function here, meaning we can adjust this attack to make the fraction of non-X-likes produced fall much faster.
I don’t understand this suggestion. If I understood your previous modifications correctly, all but the first current sets of your process assign non-zero measure to every computable and turing-complete language, so taking minimums about languages from this set wouldn’t get you any useful information. As for X-likes, if you are going to treat those seperately from other languages in the simplicity determination process, you’d need to specify some precise way of how to recognize them. The specific X families I’ve talked about are of course only examples; there’s countably infinitely more such families that exhibit similar properties. Please elaborate on what you meant?
So essentially, the problem with Paul Almond’s suggestion is that one can find languages X that are ‘X[0]-pathological’ in the sense that almost all of their children are both (i) good at implementing some fixed language X[0] and (ii) even more X[0]-pathological than they are (this being a recursive definition of ‘pathological’).
Such languages destroy any hope that Paul’s “low-level index for Y” won’t depend on which language X we start from.