The technical appendix is technical on the matter of scoring, not on the fox-hedgehog distinction. He has a precise test for the fox/hedgehog distinction. But he claims that it means a lot more than a short list of vague questions. In the technical appendix he scores people in many different ways and he claims that these are reasonable things to expect of foxes and hedgehogs, but it’s all post hoc. There’s no evidence that he ever had a theory of foxes and hedgehogs.
Tetlock has more than just verbal models. “Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know?” has a technical appendix.
The technical appendix is technical on the matter of scoring, not on the fox-hedgehog distinction. He has a precise test for the fox/hedgehog distinction. But he claims that it means a lot more than a short list of vague questions. In the technical appendix he scores people in many different ways and he claims that these are reasonable things to expect of foxes and hedgehogs, but it’s all post hoc. There’s no evidence that he ever had a theory of foxes and hedgehogs.