I have no power to prevent your posts, and no desire to give you blanket permission. I’ll likely upvote posts that seem valuable, and downvote those that don’t. This isn’t JUST about what topics you choose, it’s more about how self-aware you are about what’s true and how you (and I) can learn from experiences and thinking.
I don’t much care if you post delusions (though I share the LW mods’ preference that you get help and find ways to be happier and healthier). I care if you make pointless posts that don’t explore your experiences and attempts to disprove those beliefs, and I’d really rather not read unsupported statements of fantasy.
Summary: I wish you the best! Continue with your psychiatric care and with your exploration of rationality. And post ONLY topics related to rationality—not statements of fact without support, but reasons and models that inform your worldview and change over time.
I have no power to prevent your posts, and no desire to give you blanket permission. I’ll likely upvote posts that seem valuable, and downvote those that don’t. This isn’t JUST about what topics you choose, it’s more about how self-aware you are about what’s true and how you (and I) can learn from experiences and thinking.
I don’t much care if you post delusions (though I share the LW mods’ preference that you get help and find ways to be happier and healthier). I care if you make pointless posts that don’t explore your experiences and attempts to disprove those beliefs, and I’d really rather not read unsupported statements of fantasy.
Summary: I wish you the best! Continue with your psychiatric care and with your exploration of rationality. And post ONLY topics related to rationality—not statements of fact without support, but reasons and models that inform your worldview and change over time.