This is what I was curious about as well. The other “weird” octant, manual, fast, easy, seems to be populated by the fact that we can feed things from system 2 to system 1 to simulate. Automatic, but slow and effortful seems like it is “system 1 feeding system 2 things.” WHich again brings to mind math, but maybe processing of emotional experiences as well.
This is what I was curious about as well. The other “weird” octant, manual, fast, easy, seems to be populated by the fact that we can feed things from system 2 to system 1 to simulate. Automatic, but slow and effortful seems like it is “system 1 feeding system 2 things.” WHich again brings to mind math, but maybe processing of emotional experiences as well.
fast-effortful seems implausible?
Try playing a video game.