Believe me, if I were so inclined, I could use an approach very similar to yours to concoct equally convincing (though perhaps to different people) attacks on many other participants in these controversies, and I’m sure many others reading this would be up to that task.
I would, and I’ve certainly considered it. The problem is that the main people who are potential targets are doing too good a job as rationalists to deserve it… so for now, I’m saying to myself “Don’t go there, girlfriend!.” I did bring up some political issues here and here, but I did my best to not make them attacks.
That’s the problem with LessWrong… people often start updating just when you’re gearing up to deliver your indignant beatdown.
I would, and I’ve certainly considered it. The problem is that the main people who are potential targets are doing too good a job as rationalists to deserve it… so for now, I’m saying to myself “Don’t go there, girlfriend!.” I did bring up some political issues here and here, but I did my best to not make them attacks.
That’s the problem with LessWrong… people often start updating just when you’re gearing up to deliver your indignant beatdown.