What I would find most interesting about such a project is how people would identify and deal with cross cultural and personal transfers. Seems a rather hard rationality nut to crack- precisely this could make it a rewarding and enlightening endeavor.
Controlling for variables. Does this work for me because I have PhD? Perhaps this doesn’t work for me because I’m too tall. Maybe this only works because its an interesting counter signal. Maybe copying the exact dress style of Mystery isn’t a good idea for me.
As to cultural transfers. Winning friends in say rural Russia is a different endeavour than trying to influence a group of Cape Town teenage Goths.
Would a PUA—PU be able to find the equivalent of some of the principles of game that are nearly universal? Or would it just be a catalogue of culture specific hacks?
Would a PUA—PU be able to find the equivalent of some of the principles of game that are nearly universal? Or would it just be a catalogue of culture specific hacks?
Observe the reactions that Hollywood movie stars get around the world. Can you think of an example where some Hollywood actor was perceived by women in some foreign culture as an unattractive loser based on the same on-screen behaviors that made him into a sex symbol in the U.S.?
Would a PUA—PU be able to find the equivalent of some of the principles of game that are nearly universal? Or would it just be a catalogue of culture specific hacks?
Many facial expressions, and many components of body language are human universal. Certain things are always signals of relative status or changes in status, certain things always assert dominance, etc.
People are also always universally interested in themselves, more than anything, and therefore respond greedily to a good listener. People universally want to be important themselves, and usually give off clues as to what ways they want to be made to feel important.
These are just some random social universals off the top of my head. (Universal to neurotypicals, at least, with subsets that still apply even to non-NT’s.)
Would a PUA—PU be able to find the equivalent of some of the principles of game that are nearly universal? Or would it just be a catalogue of culture specific hacks?
They claim they do. Mystery is always using evolutionary psychology as a justification. “Women are attracted to looks, money, and power” seems to be universal.
The Mystery Method was constructed before today’s casual-hookup college environment got quite so casual. It’s not calibrated for an environment where many women are likely to sleep with a different man every time they go out partying.
What I would find most interesting about such a project is how people would identify and deal with cross cultural and personal transfers. Seems a rather hard rationality nut to crack- precisely this could make it a rewarding and enlightening endeavor.
I’m not sure I follow, could you elaborate?
Controlling for variables. Does this work for me because I have PhD? Perhaps this doesn’t work for me because I’m too tall. Maybe this only works because its an interesting counter signal. Maybe copying the exact dress style of Mystery isn’t a good idea for me.
As to cultural transfers. Winning friends in say rural Russia is a different endeavour than trying to influence a group of Cape Town teenage Goths.
Would a PUA—PU be able to find the equivalent of some of the principles of game that are nearly universal? Or would it just be a catalogue of culture specific hacks?
Observe the reactions that Hollywood movie stars get around the world. Can you think of an example where some Hollywood actor was perceived by women in some foreign culture as an unattractive loser based on the same on-screen behaviors that made him into a sex symbol in the U.S.?
Many facial expressions, and many components of body language are human universal. Certain things are always signals of relative status or changes in status, certain things always assert dominance, etc.
People are also always universally interested in themselves, more than anything, and therefore respond greedily to a good listener. People universally want to be important themselves, and usually give off clues as to what ways they want to be made to feel important.
These are just some random social universals off the top of my head. (Universal to neurotypicals, at least, with subsets that still apply even to non-NT’s.)
They claim they do. Mystery is always using evolutionary psychology as a justification. “Women are attracted to looks, money, and power” seems to be universal.
The Mystery Method was constructed before today’s casual-hookup college environment got quite so casual. It’s not calibrated for an environment where many women are likely to sleep with a different man every time they go out partying.