Strange body language, for example, may be a signal of distant origin (to the extent that body language differs from place to place).
Damned if I know. There’s at least some commonality of body language across the human race, and I don’t know what the xenophobia/exoticism balance would have been for human prehistory.
My bet is in favor of exoticism—my impression is that people who are relatively isolated are desperate for novelty.
Personal space and touchy-feeliness varies a lot by culture. I’ve heard of American women being freaked out by foreign men standing too close because the men just didn’t realize it was too close in the US.
Damned if I know. There’s at least some commonality of body language across the human race, and I don’t know what the xenophobia/exoticism balance would have been for human prehistory.
My bet is in favor of exoticism—my impression is that people who are relatively isolated are desperate for novelty.
Personal space and touchy-feeliness varies a lot by culture. I’ve heard of American women being freaked out by foreign men standing too close because the men just didn’t realize it was too close in the US.