I can see expressing indignation being called for if someone is being unpleasant to other LW members, but I think expressing indignation at opinions you find unpleasant would be beyond the pale on a forum ideally suited for finding truth, especially in light of the motivating power of trivial inconveniences, and in light of the way that in a noisy world, asymmetrically suppressing falsehoods means suppressing truths, and in light of the way that when the opinions in question are unpopular, expressed indignation can be seen as carrying an implicit threat to damage the opiner’s reputation. The main thing that gives me pause here is that if LW is seen as “contaminated” with “impure” beliefs, that may harm its ability to fight the more important battles that it’s fighting; but that argues more for paranoia than indignation.
I can see expressing indignation being called for if someone is being unpleasant to other LW members, but I think expressing indignation at opinions you find unpleasant would be beyond the pale on a forum ideally suited for finding truth, especially in light of the motivating power of trivial inconveniences, and in light of the way that in a noisy world, asymmetrically suppressing falsehoods means suppressing truths, and in light of the way that when the opinions in question are unpopular, expressed indignation can be seen as carrying an implicit threat to damage the opiner’s reputation. The main thing that gives me pause here is that if LW is seen as “contaminated” with “impure” beliefs, that may harm its ability to fight the more important battles that it’s fighting; but that argues more for paranoia than indignation.