Methinks Elie is making to too easy on his human characters. I actually don’t feel much emotional angst over the babyeaters because they are so alien. After all, plenty of species on Earth practice cannibalism, yet we don’t go on a crusade to exterminate them.
No, what he really needs is an alien race that consists of cuddly mammals, or perhaps an offshoot of humanity that evolved this practice of spawning and culling.
Most people wouldn’t feel horror over crystalline entities eating their young, but they would go apeshit over human beings doing the same.
Methinks Elie is making to too easy on his human characters. I actually don’t feel much emotional angst over the babyeaters because they are so alien. After all, plenty of species on Earth practice cannibalism, yet we don’t go on a crusade to exterminate them.
No, what he really needs is an alien race that consists of cuddly mammals, or perhaps an offshoot of humanity that evolved this practice of spawning and culling.
Most people wouldn’t feel horror over crystalline entities eating their young, but they would go apeshit over human beings doing the same.