I started to use Typst. I feel a lot more productive in it. Latex feels like a slug. Typst doesn’t feel like it slows me down when typing math, or code. That and the fact that it has an online collaborative editor, and that rendering is very very fast are the most important features. Here are some more:
It has an online collaborative editor.
It compiles instantly (at least for my main 30-page document)
The online editor has Vim support.
It’s free.
It can syntax highlight lots of languages (e.g. LISP and Lean3 are supported).
It’s embedded scripting language is much easier to use than Latex Macros.
The paid version has Google Doc-style comment support.
It’s open source and you can compile documents locally, though the online editor is closed source.
Here is a comparison of encoding the games of life in logic:
Typst is better than Latex
I started to use Typst. I feel a lot more productive in it. Latex feels like a slug. Typst doesn’t feel like it slows me down when typing math, or code. That and the fact that it has an online collaborative editor, and that rendering is very very fast are the most important features. Here are some more:
It has an online collaborative editor.
It compiles instantly (at least for my main 30-page document)
The online editor has Vim support.
It’s free.
It can syntax highlight lots of languages (e.g. LISP and Lean3 are supported).
It’s embedded scripting language is much easier to use than Latex Macros.
The paid version has Google Doc-style comment support.
It’s open source and you can compile documents locally, though the online editor is closed source.
Here is a comparison of encoding the games of life in logic:
Typst in Emacs Org Mode
Here is some elisp to treat latex blocks in emacs org-mode as typst math, when exporting to HTML (renders/embeds as SVG images):
Simply eval this code and then call
.Thanks for the rec! I’ve been trying it out for the last few days, and it does seem to have noticeably less friction compared to LaTeX.