Pretty much the reciprocal of the equation works for punishers. You do get different weights for objectively the same phemenon, as “Losses loom larger than gains.” Ten dollars lost is more aversive, relatively, than the pleasure of ten dollars gained. The groundbreaking and hugely influential book “A General Theory of Crime” pretty much emphasizes just the impulsive aspect to criminal decisions. However, to reduce the effects of crime, as the old adage goes, “Swift and sure.” That is low delay and high expectancy. We live in a society that only gets the value part, that determing crime can only be done with harsher prisons sentences. As a society, we ain’t that bright.
Pretty much the reciprocal of the equation works for punishers. You do get different weights for objectively the same phemenon, as “Losses loom larger than gains.” Ten dollars lost is more aversive, relatively, than the pleasure of ten dollars gained. The groundbreaking and hugely influential book “A General Theory of Crime” pretty much emphasizes just the impulsive aspect to criminal decisions. However, to reduce the effects of crime, as the old adage goes, “Swift and sure.” That is low delay and high expectancy. We live in a society that only gets the value part, that determing crime can only be done with harsher prisons sentences. As a society, we ain’t that bright.