Recently in some thread someone posted a story that they warned against as a mental hazard / basilisk-like / something like that. I think it had three initials starting with “S” and some number after that. I noticed the link but didn’t follow at the time, and now I’m failing to find it again though I’m interested in doing so. (the forum’s Search function is likewise problematic).
Anyone remember what thread this happened in, so that I can actually follow that damn link? Thanks in advance.
That was me, and that was SCP-231. It’s a horror story that most likely borrows its idea from The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, but dials everything up to eleven for a more visceral effect on the reader’s moral emotion.
Recently in some thread someone posted a story that they warned against as a mental hazard / basilisk-like / something like that. I think it had three initials starting with “S” and some number after that. I noticed the link but didn’t follow at the time, and now I’m failing to find it again though I’m interested in doing so. (the forum’s Search function is likewise problematic).
Anyone remember what thread this happened in, so that I can actually follow that damn link? Thanks in advance.
Multiheaded mentioned —but, for basilisk reasons, refrained from linking to -- SCP-231. I don’t find it any more disturbing than Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” (summary with spoilers on Wikipedia), to which it bears a strong conceptual resemblance, but if you’d like to try another SCP, here’s a funny one about a vending machine. Have a [REDACTED] time.
That was me, and that was SCP-231. It’s a horror story that most likely borrows its idea from The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, but dials everything up to eleven for a more visceral effect on the reader’s moral emotion.
Thank you!