If you think seriously about what living a lot longer than current norms would have to mean, then you’ll realize that everything familiar to you now will eventually vanish, and new things will take their place.
Older readers of LessWrong will know that it doesn’t take that long.
In my 40′s I was damn near grabbing people and shaking them and saying “Things change!”
After a while, I got bored with saying that, and also came to the conclusion that if you haven’t lived through things that you thought were basic going away, you don’t know what it’s like.
Older readers of LessWrong will know that it doesn’t take that long.
In my 40′s I was damn near grabbing people and shaking them and saying “Things change!”
After a while, I got bored with saying that, and also came to the conclusion that if you haven’t lived through things that you thought were basic going away, you don’t know what it’s like.
Some of us are finding that things are only beginning to get close to what we always wanted.