Peter, this whole thread originates from the Overcoming Bias site, which means that all the original responses are one after the other in a sequence, not threaded. “That comment” was first responded to by Virge2, then by NickTarleton, then by Unknown, then by Manon de Gaillande… etc, etc...
I suggest you retract your comment as an obviously false one—and I also suggest you are less hasty in such judgments next time.
Peter, this whole thread originates from the Overcoming Bias site, which means that all the original responses are one after the other in a sequence, not threaded. “That comment” was first responded to by Virge2, then by NickTarleton, then by Unknown, then by Manon de Gaillande… etc, etc...
I suggest you retract your comment as an obviously false one—and I also suggest you are less hasty in such judgments next time.
Its not obvious that comments are sometimes threaded one way and sometimes another.
Comments from 2008 and 2007 are always OB. Early 2009 comments might be OB, but most 2009 are LW.