Alright, since we’re at this “summary/resting point”, I want to re-ask a clarifying question that never got answered. One the very important “What an Algorithm Feels like from inside” post, I asked what the heck each graph (Network 1 and 2) was supposed to represent, and never got a clear answer.
Now, before you lecture me about how I should have figured it out right now, let’s be realistic. Even the very best answer I got, requires me to download a huge pdf file, and read a few chapters, most of it irrelevant to understanding what Eliezer meant to represent with each network. And yet, with a short sentence, you can explain the algorithm that each graph represents, saving me and every other person who comes to read the post, lots and lots of time, and it would be nearly effortless for someone fluent in the topic.
Could somebody PLEASE, PLEASE explain how I should read those networks, such that the rest of the post makes snese?
Alright, since we’re at this “summary/resting point”, I want to re-ask a clarifying question that never got answered. One the very important “What an Algorithm Feels like from inside” post, I asked what the heck each graph (Network 1 and 2) was supposed to represent, and never got a clear answer.
Now, before you lecture me about how I should have figured it out right now, let’s be realistic. Even the very best answer I got, requires me to download a huge pdf file, and read a few chapters, most of it irrelevant to understanding what Eliezer meant to represent with each network. And yet, with a short sentence, you can explain the algorithm that each graph represents, saving me and every other person who comes to read the post, lots and lots of time, and it would be nearly effortless for someone fluent in the topic.
Could somebody PLEASE, PLEASE explain how I should read those networks, such that the rest of the post makes snese?