This is awesome pedagogy advice and I am a terrible teacher. I’ve been good at writing for so long (like since before I can remember) that I still wouldn’t really even know how to begin teaching someone to write. But I’ve been trying to teach someone guitar — a skill that I started learning at age 15, and so can remember various stages of being really terrible at — and I just keep being like “it’s easy, I don’t know, just do the thing I’m doing.” Focusing on explicit rules is smart. Yeah. I should try that.
Also damn that tweet about vulnerability is spot-on. Well-articulated.
Too tired and addled to write a smarter comment than this but mostly just want to express appreciation for this post :)
This is awesome pedagogy advice and I am a terrible teacher. I’ve been good at writing for so long (like since before I can remember) that I still wouldn’t really even know how to begin teaching someone to write. But I’ve been trying to teach someone guitar — a skill that I started learning at age 15, and so can remember various stages of being really terrible at — and I just keep being like “it’s easy, I don’t know, just do the thing I’m doing.” Focusing on explicit rules is smart. Yeah. I should try that.
Also damn that tweet about vulnerability is spot-on. Well-articulated.
Too tired and addled to write a smarter comment than this but mostly just want to express appreciation for this post :)