Curated. Came here to curate this and I think So8res’s comment serves as good a curation notice as I might write myself:
This piece reads to me like the output of someone who worked hard to comprehend a topic in full, without accepting the rest of society’s cloudy bullshit / papered-over-confusion / historical baggage in place of answers. And in a particularly thorny case, no less. And with significant effort made to articulate the comprehension clearly and intuitively to others.
For instance: saying “if we’re going to call all of these disparate concepts ‘entropy’, then let’s call the length of the name of a microstate ‘entropy’ also; this will tie the whole conceptual framework together and make what follows more intuitive” is a bold move, and looks like the product of swallowing the whole topic and then digesting it down into something organized and comprehensible. It strikes me as a unit of conceptual labor.
I’m psyched to have a podcast version! The narrator did a great job. I was wondering how they were going to handle several aspects of the post, and I liked how they did all of them.
Curated. Came here to curate this and I think So8res’s comment serves as good a curation notice as I might write myself:
I, too, am excited to see where this goes.
I’m psyched to have a podcast version! The narrator did a great job. I was wondering how they were going to handle several aspects of the post, and I liked how they did all of them.