Perhaps a better question is: how much overlap does RH have with “empirical science”? My answer is: a lot. By doing empirical science—that is, open-ended, curiousity-motivated research whose goal is to obtain a single optimal description of a particular phenomenon—it just so happens that one also finds theories of direct relevance for practical applications. The same theory that describes the motion of the planets and velocities of balls rolling down inclined planes is also useful for building bridges (reusability). All mainstream empirical scientists recognize this; no one in computer vision or computational linguistics does.
The link to MDL is that to do lossless compression, one must do empirical science. This is because of the NFL theorem that says lossless compression is impossible for general inputs. The only way to achieve compression is to discover empirical regularities in the data and then exploit those regularities. For example, the PNG image format exploits the obvious regularity that the values of adjacent image pixels tend to be correlated.
So MDL implies empirical science which implies RH.
Perhaps a better question is: how much overlap does RH have with “empirical science”? My answer is: a lot. By doing empirical science—that is, open-ended, curiousity-motivated research whose goal is to obtain a single optimal description of a particular phenomenon—it just so happens that one also finds theories of direct relevance for practical applications. The same theory that describes the motion of the planets and velocities of balls rolling down inclined planes is also useful for building bridges (reusability). All mainstream empirical scientists recognize this; no one in computer vision or computational linguistics does.
The link to MDL is that to do lossless compression, one must do empirical science. This is because of the NFL theorem that says lossless compression is impossible for general inputs. The only way to achieve compression is to discover empirical regularities in the data and then exploit those regularities. For example, the PNG image format exploits the obvious regularity that the values of adjacent image pixels tend to be correlated.
So MDL implies empirical science which implies RH.