If you are to downvote, do it with grace, and say what you don’t like; because that’s not at all constructive.
I encourage you to downvote but tell me why you did it.
Because otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense.
Some things are so bad as to be not worth more than the click.
Had I accompanied my strong downvote with a comment, that comment would have been “Piss off, chatbot.”
If you are to downvote, do it with grace, and say what you don’t like; because that’s not at all constructive.
I encourage you to downvote but tell me why you did it.
Because otherwise, it doesn’t make any sense.
Some things are so bad as to be not worth more than the click.
Had I accompanied my strong downvote with a comment, that comment would have been “Piss off, chatbot.”