Yeah you keep repeating that. Stating it. Saying it’s simple, obvious, whatever. Saying I’m being crazy. But it’s just wrong. So there’s that.
Which part of what I said you deny…?
That I’m being crazy
That Left-boxing means burning to death
That your answer is obviously correct
Take your pick.
The scenario stipulates this:
In the Left box, there is a live bomb; taking this box will set off the bomb, setting you ablaze, and you certainly will burn slowly to death.
Yeah you keep repeating that. Stating it. Saying it’s simple, obvious, whatever. Saying I’m being crazy. But it’s just wrong. So there’s that.
Which part of what I said you deny…?
That I’m being crazy
That Left-boxing means burning to death
That your answer is obviously correct
Take your pick.
The scenario stipulates this: