Another avenue to something related to this concept is Babble and Prune (and a third one is de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats): we have different algorithms for creating vs. criticizing ideas. These algorithms don’t mix well, so if you want to come up with new ideas, it’s better to first generate ideas and only later criticize them. IIRC this is also the advice for group brainstorming.
I expect people in creative fields must also constantly struggle with this, and must have their own solutions to this.
Another avenue to something related to this concept is Babble and Prune (and a third one is de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats): we have different algorithms for creating vs. criticizing ideas. These algorithms don’t mix well, so if you want to come up with new ideas, it’s better to first generate ideas and only later criticize them. IIRC this is also the advice for group brainstorming.
I expect people in creative fields must also constantly struggle with this, and must have their own solutions to this.