Same special-snowflake level credible limits, but for different reasons. Swimmer963 has an innate drive to seek out and destroy (whatever she judges to be) her personal inadequacies. She wasn’t very strategic about it in teenager-hood, but now she has the tools to wield it like a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon. Since she seems to have decided that a standard NPC job is not for her, I predict she’ll become a PC shortly.
You’re already a PC; your strengths are a refusal to tolerate mediocrity in the long-term (or let us say, in the “indefinite” term, in multiple senses) and your vision for controlling and eradicating disease.
Ooh ooh, do mine!
Same special-snowflake level credible limits, but for different reasons. Swimmer963 has an innate drive to seek out and destroy (whatever she judges to be) her personal inadequacies. She wasn’t very strategic about it in teenager-hood, but now she has the tools to wield it like a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon. Since she seems to have decided that a standard NPC job is not for her, I predict she’ll become a PC shortly.
You’re already a PC; your strengths are a refusal to tolerate mediocrity in the long-term (or let us say, in the “indefinite” term, in multiple senses) and your vision for controlling and eradicating disease.