Without bound, as in, without there existing some specific bound you will never surpass.
What does it mean to “retrocausally compress ‘self’”
Make yourself easier for your past self to index on. e.g. for an evil version, if Horde Prime wants Horde clones to work to benefit Horde Prime, Horde Prime can work to place himself in the center of the universe, which he previously programmed other Hordes to care about.
Are you postulating that: [...]
I’m saying something closest to #3. In order to specify an individual, you have to be able to point at them in some way.
Without bound, as in, without there existing some specific bound you will never surpass.
Make yourself easier for your past self to index on. e.g. for an evil version, if Horde Prime wants Horde clones to work to benefit Horde Prime, Horde Prime can work to place himself in the center of the universe, which he previously programmed other Hordes to care about.
I’m saying something closest to #3. In order to specify an individual, you have to be able to point at them in some way.