In fact, it’d actually be suspicious if all forty of these arguments came out against God. Surely we should expect the advantage to belong to the deists in at least one or two?
Good strong arguments are exactly the arguments you shouldn’t expect to see for a position that is false.
You can construct arguments that would technically be large baysian updates, if you ignored the cherry picking. You pray for heads and toss a coin 200 times. If you just focus on the 100 times it lands heads, you have an evidence factor of nearly 2^100:1 in favour of a god that grants prayers about coin-flips over randomness. Of course, you aren’t allowed to select a subset of the evidence to update on, and ignore the rest.
Once you realize why these sort of arguments fail, the only arguments left for god are ones that make some sort of mistake.
Reality is very different from notions of god. There are good reasons not to expect any fully decent arguments for god to exist, and no reason half decent arguments must exist.
Good strong arguments are exactly the arguments you shouldn’t expect to see for a position that is false.
You can construct arguments that would technically be large baysian updates, if you ignored the cherry picking. You pray for heads and toss a coin 200 times. If you just focus on the 100 times it lands heads, you have an evidence factor of nearly 2^100:1 in favour of a god that grants prayers about coin-flips over randomness. Of course, you aren’t allowed to select a subset of the evidence to update on, and ignore the rest.
Once you realize why these sort of arguments fail, the only arguments left for god are ones that make some sort of mistake.
Reality is very different from notions of god. There are good reasons not to expect any fully decent arguments for god to exist, and no reason half decent arguments must exist.