With an unforgivable naivete, a childish stupidity, we all still think history is leading us towards good, that some happiness awaits us ahead; but it will bring us to blood and fire, such blood and such fire as we haven’t seen yet.
Well, he was right. After all, WWI and WWII then lay just ahead. And our current, relatively peaceful period may, in fact, be building up to a period yet worse than that. Though, of course, we hope it’s not.
-- Nikolai Strakhov, 1870s
Compared to now, he was wrong.
Why should we think he will be wrong about our future when he was wrong about his own?
IMO he was right about Russia’s future at least.
Well, he was right. After all, WWI and WWII then lay just ahead. And our current, relatively peaceful period may, in fact, be building up to a period yet worse than that. Though, of course, we hope it’s not.