I use the phrase, “My subconscious is way smarter than I am,” to describe this event. My best guess is that my
subconscious has built-in pathways to notice logical flaws, lack of evidence, and has already chewed through problems
over many years of thought (“creating a path”?), and I have trained myself to follow these “feelings” and form them into
conscious words/thoughts/actions. It seems to be related to memory and number of facts in some ways, as the more
reading I have done on a topic, the better I’m able to click on related topics. I do not use the word “feeling” lightly—it really
does feel like something, and it gives me a sort of built-in filter.
I seem to experience a lot of this too. The best interpretation I have is that my mind forms association-chains well, and my hobbies and interests have led me to develop some really large, well-indexed networks of information about certain parts of the real world—so attempting to extend those, or make use of them in reasoning analogies, or just spot meaningful related patterns is exceptionally effortless. It’s got some fairly obvious downsides, at least in terms of being able to articulate the “click” to people after the fact. I’m actually kind of terrible at arguing a point because of this—on a subconscious level, it’s not my strongest method of reasoning, and being on the autistic spectrum has given me a weird perceptual relationship to language.
I seem to experience a lot of this too. The best interpretation I have is that my mind forms association-chains well, and my hobbies and interests have led me to develop some really large, well-indexed networks of information about certain parts of the real world—so attempting to extend those, or make use of them in reasoning analogies, or just spot meaningful related patterns is exceptionally effortless. It’s got some fairly obvious downsides, at least in terms of being able to articulate the “click” to people after the fact. I’m actually kind of terrible at arguing a point because of this—on a subconscious level, it’s not my strongest method of reasoning, and being on the autistic spectrum has given me a weird perceptual relationship to language.