It looks like you’re using “click” for “understand” or “gain insight”?
Sort of, but on a whole different scale than I use for the words “understand” or “gain insight.” So much so that I would never switch one word out for the other.
For me, “click” is to “understand” as “fly” is to “jump.” You could say that flight is a form of jumping, but all the details are different and they have drastically different results.
Whereas EY defines “click” as a “a very short chain of reasoning”, which in the minds of most people gets derailed.
Sort of, but on a whole different scale than I use for the words “understand” or “gain insight.” So much so that I would never switch one word out for the other.
For me, “click” is to “understand” as “fly” is to “jump.” You could say that flight is a form of jumping, but all the details are different and they have drastically different results.
Yeah, that isn’t how I am using click at all.