I believe so, though I’ve heard the first few moves are now randomized, as only perfect play, rather than all board positions, is solved.
Of course, every perfect-information deterministic game is “a somewhat more complex tic-tac-toe variant” from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
Of course, every perfect-information deterministic game is “a somewhat more complex tic-tac-toe variant” from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
Yeah, sure. And I have a program that gives constant time random access to all primes less than 3^^^^3 from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
I believe so, though I’ve heard the first few moves are now randomized, as only perfect play, rather than all board positions, is solved.
Ahh, good idea.
Of course, every perfect-information deterministic game is “a somewhat more complex tic-tac-toe variant” from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
Do they still have World Championships in checkers now the game is understood to be a somewhat more complex tic-tac-toe variant?
I believe so, though I’ve heard the first few moves are now randomized, as only perfect play, rather than all board positions, is solved.
Of course, every perfect-information deterministic game is “a somewhat more complex tic-tac-toe variant” from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
Yeah, sure. And I have a program that gives constant time random access to all primes less than 3^^^^3 from the perspective of sufficient computing power.
Ahh, good idea.
No, only the ones that are a tie.