Most people who try to make all their beliefs fit with all their other beliefs, end up forcing some of the puzzle pieces into wrong-shaped holes. Their favorite part of their mental map of the world is locally consistent, but the farther-out parts are now WAY off, thus the crank-ism.
This is not true of all non-compartmentalizers—just the ones you have noticed and remember. Rational non-compartmentalizers simply hold on to that puzzle piece that doesn’t fit until they either
determine where it goes;
determine that it is not from the right puzzle; or
This is not true of all non-compartmentalizers—just the ones you have noticed and remember. Rational non-compartmentalizers simply hold on to that puzzle piece that doesn’t fit until they either
determine where it goes;
determine that it is not from the right puzzle; or
reshape it to correctly fit the puzzle.