He isn’t wrong, he’s just used to using different language than you are. And I might add that the language he is using is, as far as I can tell, the far more commonly accepted notion of utility, rather than VNM utility, which is what I assume you are talking about. By “commonly accepted” I mean that the average technical person who uses the word utility probably is not thinking about VNM utility. So if you want to write Baez’s views off, you should at least first agree on the same definition and then ask the same question.
See my other comment here. I originally misattributed the Baez quote to XiXiDu, so the reply was addressed to him directly.
He isn’t wrong, he’s just used to using different language than you are. And I might add that the language he is using is, as far as I can tell, the far more commonly accepted notion of utility, rather than VNM utility, which is what I assume you are talking about. By “commonly accepted” I mean that the average technical person who uses the word utility probably is not thinking about VNM utility. So if you want to write Baez’s views off, you should at least first agree on the same definition and then ask the same question.
See my other comment here. I originally misattributed the Baez quote to XiXiDu, so the reply was addressed to him directly.