Isn’t it more likely that someone realizing that they have been subverted by a selfish meme would be trying to self-modify?
What does “subverted” mean in this context? For example I devote a lot of resources into thinking about philosophical problems which does not seem to contribute to my genetic fitness. Have I been “subverted” by a selfish meme (i.e., the one that says “the unexamined life is not worth living”)? If so, I don’t feel any urge to try to self-modify away from this. Couldn’t a utilitarian feel the same?
I devote a lot of resources into thinking about philosophical problems which does not seem to contribute to my genetic fitness. Have I been “subverted” by a selfish meme (i.e., the one that says “the unexamined life is not worth living”)?
Possibly. It depends on why you do that. The other main hypotheses are that your genetic program may just be manfunctioning in an unfamiliar environment, or that the philosophical problems do—in fact—have some chance of turning out to be adaptive.
If so, I don’t feel any urge to try to self-modify away from this.
Right. So: that could be a result of the strategy of the meme to evade your memetic immune system—or the result of reduced memetic immunity as a result of immune system attacks by other memes you have previously been exposed to.
Any meme that makes a human more meme-friendly benefits itself—as well as all the other memes in the ideosphere. Consequently it tends to becomes popular—since every other meme wants to be linked to it.
A utilitarian might well be indifferent to the self-serving nature of the the meme. But, as I recall, you brought up the question in response to my suggestion that my own (genetic) instincts derive a kind of nobility from their origin in the biological process of natural selection for organism fitness. Would our hypothetical utilitarian be proud of the origin of his meme in the cultural process of selection for meme self-promotion?
I don’t think you mentioned “nobility” before. What you wrote was just:
Evolution has instilled in me the instinct of valuing the welfare (fitness) of kin at a significant fraction of the value of my own personal welfare.
which seemed to me to be a kind of claim that a utilitarian could make with equal credibility. If you’re now saying that you feel noble and proud that your values come from biological instead of cultural evolution… well I’ve never seen that expressed anywhere else before, so I’m going to guess that most people do not have that kind of feeling.
...seemed to me to be a kind of claim that a utilitarian could make with equal credibility.
Well, he could credibly make that claim if he could credibly assert that the ancestral environment was remarkably favorable for group selection.
… you’re now saying that you feel noble and proud that your values come from biological instead of cultural evolution...
What I actually said was “my own (genetic) instincts derive a kind of nobility from their origin …”. The value itself claims a noble genealogy, not a noble essence. If I am proud on its behalf, it is because that instinct has been helping to keep my ancestral line alive for many generations. I could say something similar for a meme which became common by way of selection at the individual or societal level. But what do I say about a selfish meme. That I am not the only person that it fooled and exploited? I’m going to guess that most people do have that kind of feeling.
I think you misinterpreted the context. I endorsed kin selection, together with discounting the welfare of non-kin. Someone (not me!) wishing to be a straight utilitarian and wishing to treat kin and non-kin equally needs to endorse group selection in order to give their ethical intuitions a basis in evolutionary psychology. Because it is clear that humans engage in kin recognition.
Now I see how you are reading the “kind of claim that a utilitarian could make” bit.
As you previously observed, the actual answer to this involves cultural evolution—not group selection.
The “evolutionary psychology” explanation is that humans developed sophisticated culture which was—on average—beneficial, but which allowed all kinds of deleterious memes in with the beneficial ones.
A utilitarian could claim:
Evolution has produced in me the tendency to value the welfare of non-kin at a significant fraction of the value of my own personal welfare.
...on the grounds that their evolution involved gene-meme coevolution—and that inevitably involves a certain amount of memetic hijacking by deleterious memes—such as utilitarianism.
What does “subverted” mean in this context? For example I devote a lot of resources into thinking about philosophical problems which does not seem to contribute to my genetic fitness. Have I been “subverted” by a selfish meme (i.e., the one that says “the unexamined life is not worth living”)? If so, I don’t feel any urge to try to self-modify away from this. Couldn’t a utilitarian feel the same?
Possibly. It depends on why you do that. The other main hypotheses are that your genetic program may just be manfunctioning in an unfamiliar environment, or that the philosophical problems do—in fact—have some chance of turning out to be adaptive.
Right. So: that could be a result of the strategy of the meme to evade your memetic immune system—or the result of reduced memetic immunity as a result of immune system attacks by other memes you have previously been exposed to.
Any meme that makes a human more meme-friendly benefits itself—as well as all the other memes in the ideosphere. Consequently it tends to becomes popular—since every other meme wants to be linked to it.
A utilitarian might well be indifferent to the self-serving nature of the the meme. But, as I recall, you brought up the question in response to my suggestion that my own (genetic) instincts derive a kind of nobility from their origin in the biological process of natural selection for organism fitness. Would our hypothetical utilitarian be proud of the origin of his meme in the cultural process of selection for meme self-promotion?
I don’t think you mentioned “nobility” before. What you wrote was just:
which seemed to me to be a kind of claim that a utilitarian could make with equal credibility. If you’re now saying that you feel noble and proud that your values come from biological instead of cultural evolution… well I’ve never seen that expressed anywhere else before, so I’m going to guess that most people do not have that kind of feeling.
Well, he could credibly make that claim if he could credibly assert that the ancestral environment was remarkably favorable for group selection.
What I actually said was “my own (genetic) instincts derive a kind of nobility from their origin …”. The value itself claims a noble genealogy, not a noble essence. If I am proud on its behalf, it is because that instinct has been helping to keep my ancestral line alive for many generations. I could say something similar for a meme which became common by way of selection at the individual or societal level. But what do I say about a selfish meme. That I am not the only person that it fooled and exploited? I’m going to guess that most people do have that kind of feeling.
Not group, surely: kin. He quoted you as saying: “welfare (fitness) of kin”.
I think you misinterpreted the context. I endorsed kin selection, together with discounting the welfare of non-kin. Someone (not me!) wishing to be a straight utilitarian and wishing to treat kin and non-kin equally needs to endorse group selection in order to give their ethical intuitions a basis in evolutionary psychology. Because it is clear that humans engage in kin recognition.
Now I see how you are reading the “kind of claim that a utilitarian could make” bit.
As you previously observed, the actual answer to this involves cultural evolution—not group selection.
The “evolutionary psychology” explanation is that humans developed sophisticated culture which was—on average—beneficial, but which allowed all kinds of deleterious memes in with the beneficial ones.
A utilitarian could claim:
...on the grounds that their evolution involved gene-meme coevolution—and that inevitably involves a certain amount of memetic hijacking by deleterious memes—such as utilitarianism.